mgr inż. Joseph Daniel Gbubele
promotor: dr hab. inż. Tomasz Olszewski, prof. uczelni
Grupa Chemii Fosfoorganicznej i Katalizy
bud. A2, pok. 320B
tel.: (+48) 71 320 32 10
Zainteresowania naukowe
- Organophosphorus chemistry
- Asymmetric synthesis
- Natural product chemistry
- Chemistry of heteroorganic compounds
Doświadczenie naukowe
Staże naukowe:
- 2020: Sheda Science and Technology Complex, Abuja, Nigeria (6 months)
Najważniejsze publikacje
- Casper Larsen, Barløse, Jonas Faghtmann, René Slot. Bitsch, Joseph Gbubele, Karl Anker. Jørgensen, Asymmetric organocatalyzed cascade reactions - merging the pseudo-halogen and halogen effect with dienamine catalysis. Organic Letters. 2023, vol. 25, nr 7, s. 1209-1213
- Joseph Gbubele, Tomasz Olszewski, Asymmetric synthesis of organophosphorus compounds using H-P reagents derived from chiral alcohols. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2021, vol. 19, nr 13, s. 2823-2846
- Danlami Uzama, Joseph Gbubele, Machan Bwai, Musa Kabir, Phytochemical, nutritional and antimicrobial screening of hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanolic extracts of Boswellia Dalzielii leaves and bark. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2015, vol. 3, nr 5, s. 76-79
Pełna lista publikacji: ORCID DONA
Inne osiągnięcia
- 2015 - Award of excellence by Nasarawa State University
- 2016-2019 - Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship
- 2019 - PhD scholarship (Doctoral School) Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
- 2021 - NAWA STER Scholarship